The varied geography of Halibut Point presents an ideal
starting place for Bird-a-thon's Big Day. The suffused light at dawn is all
Chris Leahy needs to take stock
of the
diversity of birds between shore and horizon.
Halibut Point, dawn
Seasonal adjustments are still in progress. Bird-a-thon
contestants want to find winter stragglers as well as summer vanguards.
Waterfowl are moving up the coast. Migrating land birds reaching the Ipswich
Bay cluster nervously before crossing miles of open ocean.
Blue jays contemplating
an ocean crossing
Spotted sandpipers and laughing gulls sit within my sight
range. Chris reports on scoters, loons and gannets further out to sea. Without glancing
up he notes a bobolink overhead. Towhees call around us. They're nesting reliably
in our coastal heathlands despite declining numbers elsewhere.
When Chris's friend Elizabeth Heide joins us the birding
conversations becomes richer and more probing. We amble up a road into the
woods. Another pair of trained eyes and ears helps identify warblers in the
treetops. For my benefit they call into view a least flycatcher with a
combination of
pishing imitations and
screech owl alerts. They're amused that I forgo the aid of binoculars. I'm
amused (sometimes) with tantalizing subjects for my camera.
Great crested
As a matter of routine they 'get' a great crested flycatcher
when it calls from a distant perch. I try to distinguish it from a red-bellied woodpecker,
which perplexes Chris. "I never thought of them being similar, but you're
right, they are. Hmm. The flycatcher is more musical. The trill of it is a
little more distinct, whereas the woodpecker runs his together. It's also a
sound. Great cresteds always
strike me as if they're shouting.
Wheet. Something's going on. The
woodpecker's more like,
Hey. Yeah. I
know that makes no sense at all." I'm all ears.
Chris and Elizabeth
at Seaside Cemetery
We leave Halibut Point for open habitat with intermittent
trees - a graveyard. We find satisfying additions to the day's bird
list. The inhabitants understand the serenity
of a May morning.
Black-crowned night
A black-crowned night heron presides at the adjacent pond.
Red-necked grebe
among common eiders
Chris has a knack for picking the unusual out of the usual.
At Gloucester Harbor he spots a red-necked
grebe among the eiders. It's a bird not often seen here at this time of year,
in breeding plumage.
Elizabeth produces
the brown creeper call on her Smartphone
At Ravenswood Park we supplement the tally with birds of
another habitat. The cognoscenti point out a northern water thrush but can't
manage to draw it out of the brush for a photograph. Chris thinks he hears a
brown creeper but hesitates on ascertaining it for the list until Elizabeth
confirms the vocalization 'on line.'
We move on to an overlook at Poles Hill alongside the
Annisquam River. The terrain produces updrafts for soaring birds, hawks, turkey
vultures and gulls. It's one more niche of Cape Ann ecology and its adaptable
bird world.
Common yellowthroat
Two of the warbler species we've encountered stay with us
all summer, the common yellowthroat and the yellow warbler. Their familiarity
does not diminish the marvel of a close portrait.
Yellow warbler
Chris says, "I love making lists, not because I think
I'm accomplishing anything, necessarily, although today if we see 150 species
that would be cool in that sport, competitive kind of way. I guess it's part of
the curiosity ritual - something like that....
"There's no boundary between the nature and the art.
The two things go together for me. If I can combine an artistic element with a
natural history element, that's as good as it gets."