Thursday, October 27, 2022

After the Rain

Wednesday afternoon Kay and I took a walk through the misty landscape. Vignettes appeared as never before.

Virginia creeper on the barn

Viper bugloss on a stone wall

Big-toothed aspen

Quarry pulley

Black cherry leaves

Black cherry bark

Yellow-rumped Warblers, poison ivy berries

Quarry scene

Blue catbrier berries, blueberry leaves

Privet berries

White oak


  1. The colors are gorgeous, your compositions too!
    Nancy M

  2. I usually see Virginia Creeper as a pest plant but it's beautiful in the fall.

  3. Breathtaking, thank you so much for helping me see the beauty of creation all around us; not pests, not annoying, not dangerous - all beauty.

  4. All go(o)d. πŸ‘πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘
