Thursday, January 18, 2024

Falcon Lore

Falcons are the fastest animals alive. Their name comes from the Latin word falco, meaning sickle, referring to the shape of their wings.

One nature writer has referred to our local Peregrine Falcon as a crossbow in the sky.

Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine spends much of its time sitting on ledges or elevated perches. At an opportune moments it strikes out to intercept prey on the wing. It also hunts by flying high and then diving to knock a bird out of the air. Sometimes it wings low over the water or ground to take prey by surprise.

The falcon was chosen as mascot of the United Sates Air Force Academy, awing crowds with its aerial maneuvers at stadium contests.

Falconry as a sport developed from ancient hunting practices in many cultures. The Persian word yarak describes a raptor's prime state of alertness riding the fist in anticipation of release after being kept hungry but not weak.

The word has larger cultural significance as a warrior's motivational state of preparedness. More generally, and properly managed, yarak enhances the ways we interact with the world around us. Getting it wrong might end in catastrophe. Yarak straddles the divide between success and death.

Falcon perched atop the Halibut Point Visitor's Center

This elegant bird has everywhere been a symbol of unrestrained freedom, liberty, pride and invincibility.

Peregrine Falcon on Gloucester City Hall tower, 2006

At times one has chosen Gloucester's City Hall as a prime vantage point for surveying downtown's rooftop pigeons.

The falcon had special symbolism in dynastic Egypt, where it represented the rising Sun, the Higher Self, and connections with the spirit realm. Many depictions of the Gods bore a falcon head, most notably Ra the solar deity. As the “king” of birds it signified victory, rulership, and overcoming. At one time the path of the pharaoh's ascent to the throne was known as ‘a falcon’s flight.'

 In the Arab world falcons are a symbol of dignity, valor and pride. 

Mississippian Indians believed peregrines have special, supernatural powers and that the bird was able to travel between heavens and earth, carrying messages from forces that reside in the upper world and look over the people.

Peregrine means wanderer or pilgrim. This falcon can be found on every continent but Antarctica.

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