Bayberry stirring |
Each one of the woody plants on Halibut Point has devised a
way to over-winter its tissues within bark and its growth points within buds.
These armored plates resist outer forces but give way to vital surges come
spring. The buds become plump with succulence and the tints of desire.
Sumac, the drum major |
Red oak bud opening |
Red oak revelation |
Red oak curtsey |
Red oak flowering |
White oak flowering |
Shagbark hickory bud birthing, |
breathing, |
reaching, |
becoming. |
The patterns of destiny released from the bud shimmer with dawn energy. Every cell is sanctified with purpose. The leaf unfolds toward the light that will sustain its life processes.
Grape vine intimacies |
Love it! Scrumptious. The pied piper of lanesville calling-------Can't wait!