A one-per-decade series of glimpses, 1860-1960
Babson Farm Quarry,
Halibut Point, 1913
Oil painting by Leon
What makes a scene appealing to an artist, and how does he
make it his own?
When Leon Kroll fixed his gaze on Halibut Point in 1913 he encountered
dual majesties of nature and industry. He approached this scene with a bright
innocence very different from his usual subdued palette and emphasis on human
figures. The composition and colors offer a child-like response to the
choo-choo train dwarfed by an immense man-made hole in the rocky shoreline.
It's the kind of painting he might have made years earlier in the company of
the Impressionists he studied with in France, but nothing like his canvases
that were winning praise and prizes at the New York Armory Exhibition of 1913.
It suggests he was flabbergasted by what he saw.
Leon Kroll in his
Folly Cove studio, c. 1940s
Archives of American
Art, Smithsonian Institute
For Kroll coming to Cape Ann was an excursion from another
world. Sixteen years later he was drawn back to begin renting studio space in
Folly Cove and finally to build his own studio there. The light and the land
were that compelling.
From his vantage point in that first encounter he might have
observed Altti Peterson in this drilling crew at the Babson Farm (Halibut
Point) Quarry.
Babson Farm Quarry c.
Peterson second man from right
years earlier Altti's parents Antti and Maria Kokkonen with an infant daughter
had arrived in Rockport from Finland via New York and Boston. They got off the
train at the end of the line and walked up Granite Street with all their
possessions toward Pigeon Cove. They crossed the Granite Bridge over the tracks
leading down to Granite Pier. At the Rockport Granite Company office that same
day Antti - surname now Peterson, after his own father Peter - was hired on to
work at the Babson Farm Quarry.
shuttling granite blocks from quarry to wharf
the bridge on Granite Street
sons Altti and Carl had formative work experiences at the Babson Farm Quarry
before moving on to other careers. Altti was a striker (sledgehammer) in a
two-man team for the larger blasting holes, later moving to pneumatic drilling.
Carl scrambled around work stations on precarious ladders as a tool boy running
back and forth to the blacksmith shop for sharpening the drills. Carl's son
Fred, who provided this information, eventually became a manager at the Cape
Ann Tool Company and presently serves as Treasurer of the Friends of Halibut
Point State Park.
lifting a granite block to the locomotive at Babson Farm Quarry,
transfer to the shipment point at the Folly Cove Pier
CAM photo
Granite Company inspectors at the quarry
CAM photo
By this time nearly all the quarrying operations on Cape Ann
were owned and operated by the Rockport Granite Company. It sustained business in
a competitive market all over the Eastern United States, meeting capital and
labor requirements, production standards, and stockholder satisfaction.
Placing capstones on
the Sandy Bay Breakwater
SBHS photo.
The major propellant to expansion of the Babson Farm Quarry
was the decades-long effort to create a Harbor of Refuge off Rockport, that
envisioned a nearly two-mile long offshore breakwater at depths averaging sixty
feet, capable of offering shelter to naval and commercial ships in stormy
weather. Located on the coast with limitless stone, Halibut Point was in a
unique position for development of the quarry. It sent a prodigious quantity of
its core to the project.
Babson Farm |
The Rockport Granite Company acquired nearly all the Babson
Farm on both sides of Granite Street. It rented the land to aspiring immigrant
Antone Balzarini for agricultural pursuits and raising horses for quarry
teaming. Later generations of the Balzarini family created the Old Farm Inn on
part of the property.
Halibut Point - Folly
Cove 1873
Watercolor tinted
etching by Kruseman Van Elten
Forty years earlier a painter chose to portray Halibut Point
serenely. By 1913 enterprise had created an industry at its zenith but soon to
fade and disappear. Social, technological, and economic forces extinguished the
light of the granite industry. Federal funding for the harbor of refuge dried
up. Concrete and asphalt replaced paving blocks as automobiles replaced horses.
The light of full citizenship lifted immigrants out of a
low-paying and dangerous workplace. The light of natural beauty eventually resulted
in the acquisition and dedication of Halibut Point to quiet enjoyment for the
Interview sources:
Kroll Rose (daughter of Leon Kroll), 2014
Reminiscences of Leon Kroll," Columbia University oral history manuscript,
Peterson, 2013
Balzarini Anderson (daughter of Antone Balzarini),
in Rockport Recollected, ed. Roger Martin, 2001.
CAM Cape Ann Museum
SBHS Sandy Bay
Historical Society
Thank you, Martin. I learn so much from your posts.