Thursday, August 13, 2015

Around the Quarry Rim

Recent sights around the quarry rim lead me to break into the botany thread of Notes from Halibut Point with glimpses from another sphere. The amusement centers on youngsters in the bird world preparing for full fledge-ship.

Young robin
A young robin watches the proceedings from a treetop. He's been copying his parents' short dashes across the meadow, then freezing importantly into "worm-hunter" postures.
Cedar waxwing
At eye level with the young robin sits a cedar waxwing. Waxwings have been scarce this year.

Great blue herons, circling
An incongruous croaking sound draws my attention to a flock of great blue herons circling the quarry. They disappear behind the treeline.

Great blue herons
I sit very still on the edge of the quarry as the herons reappear to choose a roost nearby.

Mirrored herons
After a few tries the herons balance artfully in the tree tops.

Spotted sandpiper
Another long-legged wader briefly investigates the quarry for sustenance.
Mother mallard the proctor
Seven supervised ducklings tour tasty potentials along the cliffs.
Barn swallows
Up above a troop of barn swallows instructs its youngsters.
Young barn swallows
The fledglings try all sorts of spirited maneuvers between rest periods on the ledge. 
They alternate encouragement and harassment to their siblings.
Herring gull lands among Great black-backed gulls
Across the way gulls model their flight expertise.
Approaching the quarry rim
Air, water and rock form a theater of life for these necessities, and for the observer.

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