Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tributes to The Cat Lady

Yes, I loved reading all your story -- I remember you from the bus - remember knowing you were the 'Cat Lady' when we'd stop across from the Old Farm Inn so you could get on or off.  But I never knew anything more about you.  I live in the old Shakespeare  Inn at the other end of Folly Cove, and often walk past your house when strolling around Halibut Point.  Thanks so much for writing and sharing the story and pictures. 


      Reading The Cat Lady's Confessions is delightful! Although I haven't yet met her, her vivid reminisce makes me feel as though I am listening to her in her wild garden! 
      Meow, meow, meow!!! Thanks for your wonderful reminisces!  You and they are a great gift to us all and an important addition to the human history that has surrounded us. They are not just stories to amuse, inform and delight but an enduring record of who we are and have been. Precious memories entering the record for people to experience forever. Thank you again,


      I often saw you at the park during early morning walks in past years. I especially remember a poignant episode when you were searching for the remains of one of your cats who was attacked by coyotes so that you could properly bury it. As a cat lover myself, I admired your devotion to all your cats. Please accept my sincere good wishes.


      I have greatly enjoyed these memories shared by the 'Crazy Cat Lady'. I am a cat and nature lover myself so can relate! If I didn't live in a one bedroom apartment, I might have a herd however, I am limited to one. They are wonderful creatures!

      Another intriguing account of the Cat Lady. It’s interesting to know that she bought the house where Jack Callahan had a study. There is a house on South Street near my home where the artist, Jack Callahan, also resided and had a studio. 
      I have greatly appreciated & have been entranced by your thoughtfully wonderful stories, captured on the internet, about life on Gott Avenue, Pigeon Cove... & especially your delightful adventures with the feline population!  The photos, too, have been marvelous! I have never been officially introduced to you but have passed by you a few times over the years on the pathway leading from Gott Avenue onto Andrews Hollow & out to Phillips Avenue. I do remember your sister Jane. She was a senior when I was a freshman at  Rockport High School. Jane was a good friend of Evelyn Jylkka; they were both bright scholars. I also recall the Callahan family members who once lived in your parents' house. Thank you, Phyllis!  We're very grateful to Martin Ray for putting your enchanting musings into print form for countless of us to read, re-read, and savor. Happy rest of the winter!

      I am an avid birder and, as I walked around Halibut Point when you were living there, I made sure to check out the birds in your yard. Even with a blind cat, it was a magnet for all sorts of birds. Thank you for sharing your memories with Martin; his wonderful series of stories about Halibut Point would not be complete without yours.


Good morning Phyllis ðŸ˜ºðŸ˜»ðŸ˜º
      Such a delight and so wonderful of Martin to let us all enjoy his fantastic photos and your wonderful memories!  You made so many cats and other animals around Halibut Point feel loved and cared for in an era where not that many cared...

      I grew up on Granite St. in Pigeon Cove....lived with my parents, sister and grandparents....and spent most of my time the woods in back of the house or at “ the rocks”..on the ocean. am also of what I call a “granite disposition” ...fiercely independent and stubborn....naturally drawn to like kind....cats😿🙀of course!
      Thank you, Phyllis for the wonderful stories.  I enjoyed them and admire a person so "comfortable in their own skin. " Best wishes. 


  1. Dear Phyllis, yes I remember well fondly and affectionately you and all the cats and your parents too, as I lived one house up from you on Halibut Point with my wife Debby from 1972-1976, and had summered there since the early 60's. Indeed I dated and had my first kiss - very romantic under the grape arbor -- with Lorraine Hartwell, Olga's daughter, and I later sometimes felt one of the reasons Olga decided to leave as I knew she didn't approve of me or my family... As you no doubt remember we had our own share of cats. It was heaven for them there. Thanks for being yourself, the stories and warm memories. Much love (John) Alexis Viereck

  2. Sadly, the "cat lady" of Halibut Point passed away from pneumonia on January 16, 2020.
