Friday, October 23, 2020

October Scrolls

Our eyes are placed side by side. They move easily across horizons. Their view expands to left and right with the slightest turn of the head. 

The vertical realm asks more effort, concentration, intentionality. We check our balance before tipping our heads up or down. Does something await our vision? 

Looking at pictures in scroll formats simulates worldly discoveries of what lies above or below our primary focus. 

In many ways October reveals the culmination of growth and the re-purposing of the life force.

Leaf miner trail, grape leaf

Porcelain Berries

Mallard drake, quarry wall

Cardinal view


Cat Brier

Chalcid Wasp, one-eighth inch

Spider notch

Flower Fly, aster

Ring-billed Gull

Misty morning