Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Nature of Nymphs

 The spirit of renewal visits Halibut Point in the nature of its nymphs.

Neonatal nymphs need protection while innocence and power fuse in their formative days.

In pandemic times their tutelage begins warily, peering into perils fully masked.

Then grace stirs their true nature

and they emerge to thaw stony circumstances,

to lighten the weighty gloom.

Nymphs make magic with what they find at hand.

Nymphs make merry with what they find at heart.


  1. Hi Martin,
    I always enjoy your posts of nature; flowers, trees, insects and birds, but this one really captured me. It's often difficult to remember that we also are a part of nature because humans are so often separate and in disagreement with the planet, but this one really connected. Thank you!

  2. What a wonderful group photo of the girls and baby, thanks for the smile!
