Thursday, September 9, 2021

Summer Nectar 4 - Goldenrod Gallery


American Lady butterfly, Vanessa virginiensis

The final month of summer is a frenzy of ripening and provisioning for all the forms of flora and fauna at Halibut Point.

Bumblebees, Bombus impatiens

The many species of goldenrod fuel a tremendous diversity of insects hurrying through the final preparations of their season.

Cellophane Bee, Colletes inaequalis

Dozens of species of bees, some less than a quarter of an inch in size, congregate at the flowers.

Augochlorine Green-Sweat Bee

Whatever the stages and sequences of their dispersed lives may be the insects make a grand jamboree at the goldenrod.

Feather-legged Fly, Trichopoda pennipes

A new observer's preconceptions are shattered by the colors and configurations across every branch of the insect world.

Hover Fly, Helophilus fasciatus

Some of the patterns have evident utility while others, to the human mind, suggest whimsies beyond rational explanation.

Carabid Beetle, Lebia viridis

With analysis suspended they are simply beautiful.

Locust Borer, Megacyllene robiniae

Like us, the various insects consume plant tissues that are at the origin of all organic life. Our parallel habits may be considered benign, or necessary, or destructive.

Great Golden Digger Wasp, Sphex ichneumoneus

Many insects feed on other insects at some point in their life cycle. For that part they are carnivorous.

American Sand Wasp, Bembix americana

At the goldenrod they are primarily interested in high-calorie nectar.

Gold-marked Thread-waisted Wasp, Eremnophila aureonotata

Each one demonstrates remarkable abilities of travel and agility in this phase of its natural history.

Black-and-yellow Lichen  Moth, Lycomorpha pholus

Every detail of its being suits its purpose within a vast complex of challenges and opportunities.

Clouded Sulphur, Colias philodice

The refinement and animation of its myriad parts take observers to ever-widening thresholds of wonder.

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