Thursday, June 23, 2022

Daisy Party, Part 2

From upland meadows across quarry rubble to the ocean's edge, daisies cheer spring into summer at Halibut Point.

Kay Ray celebrating daisies

They have always been associated with new beginnings, affection, and other sweet attributes. 

Northern Crescent butterfly

They attract insects to their nectar reservoirs in exchange for pollination, one of nature's basic symbiotic transactions.

Peck's Skipper

Cross-fertilization strengthens their genetic resilience and adaptability. Daisies open their flowers to eclectic guests.

Globetail Hover Fly

Insidious Flower Bug

Tumbling Flower Beetle

Scentless Plant Bug

Some insects seek prey on the floral terrain, party-crashers in the throbbing daisy emporium.

European Earwig

Spider Wasp

Mason Bees coupling

Innocence and survival play out in the sunburst of petals at the Park. The beat goes on.

Lillian, Audrey, and Kay Ray

Botanists, artists, and the young at heart revel in daisy constellations.