Thursday, November 23, 2023


This past third Sunday of the month started out like so many over the last twenty years at Halibut Point with an early morning birding walk led by Peter Van Demark. But it was a special occasion in that Peter is departing on a five-month sabbatical and the Park staff had a surprise for him.

The birding flock, November 19
Peter Van Demark fourth from left

A Proclamation from the Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Brian Arrigo was waiting at the Visitors' Center, along with coffee and cake for a gathering on the deck. The outdoor setting was just fine for the many well-wishers who had been bundled up for the two-hour bird-watching excursion.

An excerpt from the Proclamation

Ramona Latham reading the Proclamation

State Park Visitor Experience Supervisor Ramona Latham organized the tribute to Peter based, she said, on the "Birding and Brownies" program held on their first meeting in 2003. She commended his 'Leadership Extraordinaire'  in every kind of weather no matter how many or few show up. "He is popular," Ramona noted, "for sharing his knowledge, passion, and joy. He is a natural educator and our visitors have expressed their gratitude over the years."

A longtime friend zeroed in on Peter's special gift to the participants. "Thank you for being the antithesis of the competitive birder, for always being  more interested in the mysteries of nature than in the number on your life list. 

"And for patiently explaining the Abc’s of birding to all of us beginning and more experienced birders, month after month, year after year.  We’ve all learned from you, about birds, and about what happens when you just show up.

"For the past twenty years, Peter has been the mailman of Halibut Point, delivering the good news about nature to all who would listen."

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tribute! So sweet to see people making the best use of their free time: honoring the beauty and the grandeur of nature.

    Thank you again and again Martin for your beautiful pictures and your inspiring writing.

    Love to you, Kay, Marco, Patrick and their families
