Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Enterprising Mockingbird


Mockingbirds are not afraid of being noticed. In fact they seem to like attention. They take to promontories to sing out their mimicries of as many other birds as possible.

In flight they show suddenly conspicuous wing patches on their otherwise drably colored bodies.

As with their vocal repertoire, these mockingbird displays leave us guessing about how far they take themselves seriously.

But there's no doubt of a predacious spirit when they put their performance gifts to work in business of the hunt.

Mockingbirds flash those wings to flush their prey. As far as I know it's a unique approach among stalkers.

Its 'startle and snatch' technique has just worked successfully in this pursuit.

In the season of parenting the mockingbird has extra mouths to feed. 

It often perches conspicuously on its way back to the nest but is careful not to reveal the nest's location.

With its worldly duties in order the mockingbird returns to its vital job of singing.


  1. Interesting facts about Mockingbird behavior and excellent photos.

  2. Beautiful story, beautifully told, fabulous photos, too.

  3. Thank you!πŸ‘πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘
