Thursday, December 20, 2018

Crow Combat

Snowy Owl

This story opens with an honest predator resting after a successful kill.


Neighborhood vigilantes take matters into their own claws. They awaken the snoozing POI (predator of interest.) They suspect that the dark smear around its beak might be the blood of a fellow avian.

The crows know an Undesirable when they see one. They mobilize swift justice.


The POI takes the high perch in self-defense. But telltale blood excites the crows to conviction.


The POI rotates its view of things to deny an opening for attack.


But its lethal claws, gripping the promontory, are unavailable for the contest.


The crows slice in from alternate directions to pummel the back of its head.


The attackers careen off after each sortie gaining altitude and acceleration for the next dive.

The Dark Knights of the Air, recalling night raids on their nest, drive their daylight advantage to victory.

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