Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Quarry Scrolls

I am pleased to make available for purchase Quarry Scrolls, a portfolio of 25 photographs taken at Halibut Point, each with an accompanying haiku poem.

The book measures 6 x 9 inches. The $20.00 cost per copy includes sales tax and shipping. Please send payment to:

Martin Ray
22 Rockwood Lane
Gloucester, MA  01930 

When requesting multiple copies, reduce the price per book by one dollar for each book ordered, up to five copies ($15 ea). Inquiries at 


Autumn Leaves

Two tales of desire
          compose their calligraphy
on witness of stone.

Sunlight stirs, leaves shine,
     flower bows before the gleam
of sudden wingbeats.

An owl, completing
    its hieroglyph, takes care
not to tip the stone.

Did quarrymen
      drilling alongside the sea
put clouds in the sky?


  1. Beautiful,artistic,words & images dovetailed so expressively. Will definitely order this summer. Thank you, Martin.

  2. Oh Martin,
    Just spectacular.... the meditating visage of the owl, the philosophy of the Quarry Scrolls, the ascension of water vapor energetic and brave enough to escape gravity. Thanks and a pleasure to meet you.

  3. Exquisite photos and poetry Martin.

  4. Beautiful. I keep this tab open on my computer so I can visit the photo-poems whenever I feel the need.

  5. Womw, Martin, so beautiful, thank you for sharing your gifts with us all.

  6. Careful! Martin...I had to learn the hard way (and was LUCKY) to split stone without "protective eyewear...) P
